Friday, December 28, 2012

6 Rules To De-Stress Your Weekends

Come Friday, you're ready to relax and recharge -- but too many of us sabotage our weekends by cramming in a month of chores or going zombie in front of the TV. Either way, the weekend is a bust. If you want to feel truly refreshed by Monday morning, take to heart the findings of a study showing that in addition to eating, relaxing, and sex, women enjoy themselves most when they're socializing, engaging in spiritual activities, and exercising.

To make the most of your weekend, be sure to pencil in one activity from each category, and let the rules work for you.

Silent Signals You're Stressed

Use Your Social Network

Even if you cherish "just for me" time, organize at least one weekend endeavor where you can bring along a friend.

"Feeling connected and loved are among the biggest predictors of happiness," says Cassie Mogilner, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School who specializes in happiness research.

Another bonus to socializing? It encourages us to spend our time and money on experiences, which research shows make us happier than material objects.

"When something is sitting on your shelf, you get used to it very fast," says Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, the author of The How of Happiness. So plan a Saturday-night outing to a play you've read about, or sign up for a cooking class with a pal. You'll enjoy the advantages for weeks or months to come.

The 8 Friends Every Woman Needs

Feed Your Soul

The more frequently that people attend religious services, the more content they are, according to a 2008 study in the Journal of Economic Psychology. Faith and prayer, regardless of religion, satisfy a basic need to feel part of something bigger than ourselves -- and it turns out that volunteering can have a similar effect. "People derive a lot of pleasure from helping others," says Lyubomirsky.

If prayer and volunteering aren't for you, try meditation or a restorative yoga class instead. New research shows that spiritual practices, such as regular mindfulness exercises, can actually change brain structure in a way that promotes a sense of well-being. So as a part of your weekend, set aside some time for prayer or meditation, or volunteer to spend an hour or two at your local animal shelter. It'll lift your spirit?literally. (Find the right feel-good fits for you with Meditation To Match Your Personality.)


More from Prevention:

6 Weird Signs You're Way Too Stressed Out

How Worrying Too Much Hurts Your Looks

5 Weekend Workouts To Take Outside

13 Foods That Fight Stress


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